While I got a LOT of photos of cosplayers doing what they do, I'm still sifting through them and will post those at a later date... First we start with the quicker of the topics: The loot!
Starting off, of course I had to get some gunpla, but I was amazed to find one of the Kotobukiya Rockman kits there! They were sold out of Roll, however...
All of the HGUC's were from GundamModels.com (a.k.a. Anime USA), while the MG Gundam Unicorn + MS Cage and Rockman were from Image Anime. I didn't get a card from the booth where I got the Nia figure (from one of the larger Bandai Gurren Lagann Gashapon lines). And the Arceus was actually from Walmart on the way home...
The sushi plushies (Courtosey of Cottonfood) were for my fiancee from another unknown booth, as well as...
Oh, wait.
I forgot...
A plush Cactuar (Judging by the spelling I assume it's the FFVIII version), which was bought for her by her brother!
So, yeah, very productive turnout for us this year.
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