Previous parts:
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Final Part:
RX-78GP03 Gundam GP03 Dendrobium
RX-78GP03 Gundam GP03 Dendrobium
I: Docking of the Gundam GP03S into the GP03 mobile platform Orchis
II: Final Assembly
Now equipped with the Gundam GP03S, it doesn't really do much to alter its silhouette, but it does give it a very tiny head. You will notice that the whites between the Gundam and the Orchis vary significantly, where the Gundam's is a pure white and the Orchis has a much grayer tone. The added color of the exposed torso does give it a little more of a "Gundam" feel.
III: Weapons Payload
Micro Missile Pod
The assembly is very straight-forward for these, and require a LOT of repetitive painting for all 216 missiles to be yellow. The thruster was painted in the same manner as every thruster on the Dendrobium.
Large Bundled Missile Pod
Gundam GP03S's Armaments
Starting from the right-hand container:
The shield is stored in the sliding container furthest to the right from the GP03S. It must be folded to fit into its cradle.
The Mk-II bazooka stores in the nearest sliding container to the right of the GP03S.
The folding bazooka is in the first sliding container to the left of the Gundam. Like the shield, it must be in its folded form to fit into its container.
Stores at the far left end of the left container. No special voodoo to get it in there ^^.
A very important side note about the sliding container slots: the rails these run on are almost impossible to put together as is! They require two screws each that won't even go half way into the pole no matter how much torque is applied. I've seen one person use super glue to save themselves the trouble, but I have my doubts on the long term end of that.
What I did was use a rounded-tipped metal modeling file ind twisted away at the inside of the screw hole. Once I could get the screw to actually stand in place into the groove, I was able to twist it in with no problem. They work absolutely fine with no signs of long-term damage being done.
I very much recommend this method. I may even use this on future early-2000 MG's that have screws like this.
I didn't take individual pictures of the missile pods in their respective slots, but in the open slots, the micro-missile pods go into the far-ends of the containers, and the bundled missiles go into the center ones.
Another side note...
Large Mega Beam Cannon
Finally get to use the gimmick that the Dendrobium is all about! And th-
Wait... There's nothing about the GP03S able to hold the awesome handle provided...
Don't scare me like that, Bandai!
IV: Action
4.5 OUT OF 5
Promised Fansirvice!
HGUC 1/144 RX-78 Gundam, MG 1/100 Sazabi, MG 1/100 Gundam Ver.2.0, 1/60 Wing Gundam 0.
Taller than a 1/60 scale... Just... just take that in for a moment.
Holy Cow! You have just sold this to me for Bandai! Contact them for commissions earned, sir.
OH-MY-GOD! I mistook then Sazabi for a HG one until I finished reading!!HOLY CRAP I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I WANT TO BUY ONE BUT THEY DON'T EVEN SELL IT HERE. Lucky you^^
Just send GGinfinite or an email. I'm not certain about GG, but GundamPlanet does deliver outside of this country. You might have some luck with them. If not, HobbyLink Japan always will!
The micro missile pod, you really did the paint very neat, very clean bro.
Also love how you cleanly paint and panel line the Stamen too. :D
Anyway, plan to topcoat it or maybe do some weathering?
If I can get my hands on some legit Mr. Hobby top coat, then maybe. No weathering though. Handbrushing stuff like that with acrylics is a pain, and I'd hate to ruin a $300+ model on something unnecessary...
I wish I could get this monstrous armament too >_<
your work was nice and clean bro
awesome... just got mine.
Awesome! Enjoy that beast!
I, soon, will have a new beast to conquer... ;)
I don't mean to necro post, but did you notice any problems with the containers slots getting stuck? I know that they are spring loaded to be able to be easily opened to access the slots for the weapons, but on mine when I push them to open it they just get stuck.
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